What are the most durable dental implants?

Since the 1960s, titanium implants have become the standard and have long-term success rates of around 95%. However, zirconia implants are emerging as an alternative to conventional titanium implants because of their biocompatibility, soft tissue response and aesthetics.

What are the most durable dental implants?

Since the 1960s, titanium implants have become the standard and have long-term success rates of around 95%. However, zirconia implants are emerging as an alternative to conventional titanium implants because of their biocompatibility, soft tissue response and aesthetics. In this blog, our restorative dentists, Dr. Eddie Lee, will describe 3 different types of dental implants you can receive to restore your smile.

Titanium dental implants are the most commonly used type of dental implant today. They have a long track record of success. Today, they are also the most versatile solution for restoring teeth. Its metal substructures and components allow the restoration of many difficult cases.

Because of their tensile strength or tear strength under pressure, fractures rarely occur in titanium implants. If you want to get a dental implant material that is sturdy and durable enough to last a lifetime, titanium is your best choice. Dental and medical experts recommend dental implants to patients because tooth loss due to injury or infection can cause serious complications. But the key to all of these types of dental implants is whether or not you are a good candidate for dental implant surgery.

Below, you'll find information about dental implants to familiarize yourself with the subject before your dental evaluation.